Sunday, January 06, 2019

One word, one verse for 2019: will

My word for 2019 is "will," as in the verb, I will or God will. I like this word as a replacement for "should." Instead of "I should do this" or "I should do that," I'm trying to say to myself, "I will." For example, I will do what God asks of me. I will eat better and get more exercise. I will devote time to my family and my graduate assistantship. I will get organized. These are all things that might count as resolutions, but I want it to be a promise to myself and to God to get things done this year.

My verse for the year is Matthew 5:37, in which Jesus is talking: "All you need to say is simply 'Yes' or 'No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one." Jesus tells his followers not to swear by anything, including heaven or their own heads, in contradiction to the culture of the time, in which swearing by something was commonplace. Our culture makes the act of promising something into a lie -- election year promises, for example, are not to be believed. I want my yes to be yes and my no no, and to leave it at that this year. I want to say yes to what God wants for me and no to what he doesn't.

Previous years:
